Sunday, March 21, 2010

why do i let the smallest things disappoint me? as if the most trivial thing was life or death. i take certain things too personally, too close to heart. i think it's just insecurity. i want to be a stronger person, an individual. i think that i am just so used to this particular way of living that now i dont know how to adjust.

if i were more secure i could have the strength to not need you so badly. your just like a cat. call them and beg them for attention and they stray. then when your not even expecting it they come sit on your lap, like they can sense you really needed attention. it's like they stop what they are doing to rub up against your leg, just to assure you that your still loved but then they go away just as soon as they appeared.

just the way the little things disappoint me, they can also mean so much to me. you can say the smallest thing and it just fills in this empty place inside me, like you knew it needed to be filled. you told me you were so lucky the other night and now it's all i can think about. but you probably didnt even mean to say it, or you just didnt mean it, period. even the beautiful things wind up disappointing me in the end.

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