Wednesday, April 29, 2009

what do you do when someone you care about is doing something that you disapprove of? when you tell them how it makes you feel and it isn't reason enough to make them stop. when you tell them how it should make them feel, they say they don't care. the fact that they dont care feels like a punch in your stomach and you suddenly feel like you don't know them like you thought you did. frustration from avoidance. you feel like you would and do so many things for them that they wouldn't do for you in return. you wonder if it's because they don't love you like you love them or if it is because you arn't strong like them and can be easily morphed and molded into what they want you to be. you made me this way and now you say i am nagging. well, what did they expect from me? nagging derives from selfishness- this is genuine disappointment and concern. please return to your roots and review your values.